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添加时间:2020-10-21 15:30:29 阅读次数: 作者:ISEC 来源:教务部


The Selection of “Excellent International Student Award” of Ministry of Education of China for 2020-2021 Academic Year has Begun and Welcome to Apply!


The Excellent International Students Award by Chinese Government was established in year 2015 which aims to encourage international students with outstanding achievements in course study,scientific research and social activities, in order to cultivate more excellent international talents who develop in a all-around way with social responsibilities. The total number of DMU international students winning the award in recent years amounts to 9 which is in the front rank nationwide.  


According to notice from Ministry of Education of China about  Apply for Excellent International Student Award for 2020-2021 Academic Year, the university will continue to recommend international students with excellent performances to apply for the award, and those who are interested please pay attention to the below information:

一、奖项名称/Name of the award

优秀来华留学生/Excellent International Student Award

二、奖项发放单位/Issuing from

中华人民共和国教育部/ Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China

三、面向对象/Issuing to


Chinese Government Scholarship undergraduate and postgraduate international students in year 2 and above(including year 2).

四、奖励方式/Form of award


Certificate of Honor issued by Ministry of Education of China

五、申请条件/Application Requirement

1、本科二年级(含)以上或研究生二年级(含)以上的全日制中国政府奖学金学历留学生/Chinese Government Scholarship undergraduate or postgraduate international students in year 2 and above(including year 2).

2、对华态度友好,表现优秀/With friendly and positive attitude and behave well.

3、遵纪守法,身心健康,全面发展/Obey rules and regulations, be physically and psychologically healthy, and develop in an all-around way.

4、学习成绩优异,具备较强的学习和研究能力/With excellent academicperformance and good study and research ability.

5未出现过扰乱学校和社会正常秩序、以及违反学校校纪校规和中国法律法规等行为/Never disturb the orders and regulations of school and society.

6、同等条件下,具备以下条件者优先考虑/Applicants with following conditions would be given priority

1)积极参加学校或社会实践活动者/Actively attending school and social activities

2)在中华优秀传统文化传播或促进中外人文交流方面起到突出作用者/Having made contributions to the promotion of Chinese traditional culture and enhancing communication between China and the world

3)在公益事业中有突出贡献者/Having made great contributions in programs for public goods;

4)已有事迹报道或获得重大荣誉并引起社会关注者/Having been reported for achievements or been issued big honors with great social attention.

六、奖项推荐名额/Recommended numbers

学校最多可推荐 3 个申请者,最终获奖名单以教育部最终公布结果为准。

The school can recommend 3 applicants at most, and the final result will be issued by Ministry of Education of China after evaluation.

七、申请流程/Application Procedure


The school releases notice—students apply on time—the school evaluates applicants materials—the school decides recommended applicants and declares on campus--the school submits recommended applicants materials to CSC for evaluation—Ministry of Education and CSC made final decision and issue the award.

八、具体申请安排/Detailed Application Arrangement

请申请者于北京时间11月 5日(周四)16:00前将申请材料提交至留学生教育中心(ISEC) 412 办公室或发email到1749036529@qq.com,申请材料包括:

Applicants please submit application materials to Room 412 of International Students’ Education Center (ISEC) or to email1749036529@qq.com before 16:00 November 5th (Thursday) Beijing time. The application materials should include:

1、《我的留华故事》一篇(题目不限),内容应侧重在华学习生活期间记忆深刻的经历、体会和感受,字数不少于 800 字,可以用中文或英文书写。

An article about your story in China. The topic can be decided by yourself and the content should be related to your experience and feelings of studying and living in China. The article can be written in Chinese or English with at least 800 words.


Retrieve prove or accepted notice of paper Published if any.


Prove of any awards or patents.


Prove of any community position.


Other supporting materials.

有问题可以通过微信、邮箱、电话或直接到ISEC 412 办公室咨询,电话:0411-84727558 邮箱:1749036529@qq.com

For any questions, please contact ISEC Room 412 by wechat, phone, email or coming to office directly.

The contact phone no. is 0411-84727558, and our email address: 1749036529@qq.com.


We expect your participation.


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