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添加时间:2024-07-25 16:36:12 阅读次数: 作者:教务部 来源:ISEC


Dear international students:


According to the school's "Notice on Summer Vacation and Related Work Arrangements in 2024", combined with the actual situation of international students, the following are the arrangements and safety tips for summer vacation in 2024:


Vacation time:


Students: July 29, 2024 (Monday) to September 1, 2024 (Sunday). Classes start from September 2 (Monday) for undergraduate students of 2021-2023 batch, and from September 9 (Monday) for postgraduate students of 2024 batch;


Faculty and staff: July 31, 2024 (Wednesday) to August 28, 2024 (Wednesday), and work officially start from August 29, 2024 (Thursday).


Safety tips:


   For international students on campus

1. 房间内不得使用大功率电器、做饭或吸烟。假期临时外出校园前要做好宿舍安全检查,关闭门窗、拉起窗帘、断水断电。外出时注意安全,并在当日22:30前返回宿舍,禁止夜不归宿或留宿校外人员。

High power appliances, cooking, or smoking are not allowed in the room. Before leaving campus during holidays, it is necessary to conduct a safety check of the dormitory, close doors and windows, pull up curtains, and cut off water and electricity. Pay attention to safety when going out, and return to the dormitory before 22:30 on the same day. It is prohibited to stay out at night or keep outsiders overnight at school.

2. 如离校、离连,要提前向留学生教育中心学生事务部(408室)进行请假备案,请假获批后,方可离连、离校,中途行程有变请提前向学生事务部备案。

If you want to leave school or Dalian, you need to file a leave with the Student Affairs Office (Room 408) of the International Students Education Center(ISEC) in advance. After the leave is approved, you can leave school or Dalian. If there are any changes in your itinerary, please file with the Student Affairs Office in advance.

3. 暑假期间留学生教育中心学生事务部将进行不定期的公寓楼安全检查,重点查验宿舍房间大功率用电设备、长明灯、夜不归宿及留宿校外人员情况,一经发现将视情况按违纪处理。

During the summer vacation, the Student Affairs Office of ISEC will conduct irregular safety inspections of apartment buildings, focusing on the high-power electrical equipment, constant light, people who stay off campus overnight or keep outsiders on campus overnight. Once discovered, it will be treated as a violation of discipline depending on the situation.

4. 暑假期间留学生教育中心将安排值班人员,值班时间为:每个工作日上午8:30-11:30,下午13:30-16:30,住校留学生如有问题可到留学生教育中心办公楼找值班老师寻求帮助,或直接与老师微信联系。

During the summer vacation, the ISEC will arrange on duty personnel, who will be on duty from 8:30 am to 11:30 am and from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm every working day. If international students have any questions, they can go to the office building of the ISEC to seek help from the on duty teacher or directly contact the teacher via WeChat.


For international students in China


International students who live off campus or take leave for traveling should take good care of themselves. If changing accommodation address, please go to the local police station to change the accommodation registration form as soon as possible and report it to the Student affairs Office (Room 408) of the ISEC for filing.


Illegal employment and participation in any commercial or non commercial employment activities are prohibited.


   Other notes

1. 请注意人身、财产安全,谨防溺水及电信诈骗。请经常排查房间内的消防隐患,正确使用电器,注意用水、用电安全。在外吃饭注意食品安全,少吃路边烧烤等不卫生食品,不酗酒,不与他人发生冲突。不在危险水域附近逗留,不在野外游泳,防止溺水。

Please pay attention to personal and property safety during holidays, and beware of drowning and phone fraud. Please regularly check for fire hazards in the room, use electrical appliances correctly, and pay attention to water and electricity safety. Pay attention to food safety when eating out, avoid unhealthy foods such as roadside barbecues, avoid excessive drinking, and avoid conflicts with others. Do not linger near dangerous waters, do not swim in the wild, and prevent drowning.

2. 请合理安排假期日程,培养良好的学习和生活习惯,坚持锻炼,提高免疫力,以良好的身心状态度过假期生活,迎接新学期的到来。

Please arrange your vacation schedule reasonably, cultivate good study and lifestyle habits, persist in exercising, improve immunity, and spend your vacation life in a good physical and mental state to welcome the new semester.

3. 请及时关注学校和留学生教育中心发布的各项通知,与老师和同学保持沟通和联系,避免错过新学期开学的各项工作安排。

Please pay timely attention to various notices and updates issued by the school and the ISEC, maintain communication and contact with teachers and classmates, and avoid missing out on various work arrangements at the beginning of the new semester.



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