
Notice and Guidelines for The Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarships


Chinese Government Scholarship International Students:

202445月学校将按照《中国政府奖学金管理办法》 和《中国政府奖学金年度评审办法》等有关要求,组织20249月之后继续享受中国政府奖学金的留学生开展2024年奖学金年度评审,具体信息如下:

The students whose scholarship eligibility will remain valid after September 2024 are required to participate in the Annual Review for Chinese Government Scholarship Students of the Year 2024 in accordance with the Management Regulations of Chinese Government Scholarship and the Annual Review Regulations of Chinese Government Scholarship in April and May,2024.


1. 20249月之后继续享受中国政府奖学金的本科、硕士、博士留学生;

Undergraduates,masters and doctoral international students whose scholarship eligibility will remain valid after September 2024.

2. 20247月不能毕业且计划申请奖学金延期的博士留学生;Doctoral students who are unable to graduate in July 2024 and plan to apply for an extension of the scholarship (the start time of review will be notified later).

3. 2023年奖学金评审不合格被中止奖学金资格拟申请恢复奖学金的学生。

Students who have had their scholarship suspended due to failure in the scholarship review in 2022 and plan to apply for reinstatement of their scholarship.

二、评审截止时间Deadline for the Review


Please complete the online self-assessment and submit it before May 12,2024.Students who do not participate in the scholarship annual review without a sound reason will be disqualified from scholarship.

三、评审步骤Review Steps


https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login, 不可以用邮箱登录。详情见后面Q&A和附件

Search the website https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login  and log in with your CSC number instead of your e-mail. See the following Q&A and Annex for more details.


If you forget your password,please use the email address that you used for CSC registration to retrieve your password.



Enter the system and select “Scholarship Review”-- complete the questionnaire -- complete the self-evaluation --upload supporting documents --Save and Submit. Please check carefully before submission.

P. S.Documentation is not essential,BUT the self- evaluation section needs to be filled out conscientiously.


Your supervisor and Academic Affairs Office of ISEC will give the scores based on your academic performance, the Student Affairs Office of ISEC will give the scores based on your daily performance and upload the results to complete the annual review of the scholarship.


Q 我在休学状态是否需要参加评审?

Do I need to participate in the review when I am on study suspension?

A 休学的学生暂时不做,有变动会再行通知。

Students who are on study suspension don't need to participate for the time being.We will inform you of any changes.

Q 我的CSC号是什么?

What is my CSC number?

A 请查看你的录取通知书。

Please check your admission letter.

Q 我忘记了CSC的登录密码。

I forgot the login password of CSC.

A 可以通过最初申请奖学金的CSC邮箱找回密码。多次尝试失败,请微信联系留学生教育中心学生事务部Wang老师。

You can retrieve the password from the email address that you used for CSC scholarship application.If you still fail after trying for several times,please contact Wang Laoshi of Student Affairs Office of ISEC on Wechat.

Q 20247月不能毕业且计划申请奖学金延期的博士如何参加奖学金评审?

How can a doctoral student who cannot graduate in July 2024 and plans to apply for scholarship extension participate in the scholarship annual review?

A 请先登录CSC系统,在系统中完成博士生延期申请”,待学校完成资料审核后,再通知你开始奖学金年度评审。Please log in the CSC system first and complete the"Extension of Scholarship"in the system.We will inform you when to start the scholarship annual review after the completion of the information audit.

Q 我的系统界面没有奖学金评审的选项怎么办?

How if there is no option for Scholarship Review in my system interface?

A 请确认你使用的是CSC编号登陆。如果你使用的是邮箱登录,或者你用错误的邮箱注册,都会导致系统中没有你的学籍信息。所以要确认,你的绑定邮箱是你申请CSC时使用的邮箱,并且与你的CSC编号相匹配。

Please log in with your CSC number.If you log in with your email address,or if you register with the wrong email address,your student status will not be listed in the system.So please make sure that your email address is the one you used for CSC application and matches your CSC number.

Q 附件不能上传/系统有问题怎么办?

How if attachments cannot be uploaded./or there are problems with the system?

A 登录CSC之前请先清空浏览器缓存,出现系统问题就请换个浏览器登录尝试,或者第二天再尝试。

Please clear the browser cache before you log in to CSC.If there is a system problem,please try another browser or try again the next day.

Q 自述部分需要写什么?

What should I write for the statement?

A 和往年纸质版的一样,如实总结自己的实际情况。简单明了,不要过多描述和夸张。字数没有多少限制,但系统只支持1000字以内。尽量不要连续使用空格和换行,否则可能提交失败。As in the paper version review form of previous years, make an actual and truthful introduction of your performance.Don't over-describe or exaggerate, keep it simple and clear.There's no word limit,but 1,000 characters or less is required by the system.Try not to use too many Spaces and Enter in succession, otherwise the submission may fail.

Q 我在境外没办法参加活动怎么写?

I am unable to participate in the activities because I live abroad.How do I evaluate my performance for activity participation?

A 参加的线上会议、讲座、学术论坛、摄影比赛、歌唱比赛等线上活动和赛事都可以。如果没有也如实填写。另外,能够 积极主动与导师保持联系,及时回复导师/教师微信及邮件也可以填写在评价中。

Online meetings, lectures, photography competition,singing,academic forums,competition and other online activities are counted as activities.If you didn't participate the above truthfully.In addition,keep in supervisor frequently and supervisor/teacher's wechat and also be filled in the review,activities,fill it out touch with the to the in time,can

Q 我过去一年在休学,怎么写自述?

I was on study suspension for the past year.How do l write for statement?

A 如实填写,可以写休学前的情况。

Write truthfully.You can introduce your performance before the suspension.

Q 自评上传什么附件?

What attachments do I need to upload for self- evaluation?

A  任何证明你学习、活动、获奖等情况的文件都可以。如果没有,可以不传。

You can upload any documents to prove your ability, such as your studies,activities you participated in, awards you received,etc.If you don't have a good profile,you don't have to upload it.

Q 本科生没有导师,由谁进行评价?

There are no supervisors for undergraduates.Who will give them evaluation?

A 本科生由留学生教育中心教务部与学生事务部联合评价。

Both the Academic Affairs Office and the Student evaluation.


If you still have questions,please contact us.





Annex: Operation Manual of Chinese Government Scholarship Annual Review