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添加时间:2024-04-25 10:59:17 阅读次数: 作者:教务部 来源:ISEC

留学生同学们/Dear International Students of DMU


To encourage international students to actively enhance study activity, give recognition and encouragement to students with excellent academic performance, good behavior or outstanding contributions, the school especially established Dalian Maritime University Excellent International Student Scholarship Awards. The detailed awards and application requirements for Spring semester of 2024 are as follows:

一、具体奖项/Detailed Awards


Excellent Undergraduate Program Graduate Award

评选对象Eligible Applicants

2024年毕业本科留学生/Undergraduate international students graduating in 2024.

评审内容Review Content

本科毕业成绩、日常表现等/ Transcript of total undergraduate period, daily performance etc.

奖励内容Award Content


Award winners will get a certificate and a scholarship coupon worth of 40,000RMB per person which covers 20,000 RMB tuition fee and 20,000 RMB accommodation fee (only available for Yihua Dormitory 1) for the 1st academic year during self-funded postgraduate study at DMU.


Excellent Postgraduate Program Graduate Award

评选对象Eligible Applicants

2024年毕业硕士、博士留学生/Masters and Doctoral international students graduating in 2024.

评审内容Review Content

研究生成绩、学术日常表现等/Transcript of postgraduate period, academic and daily performance etc.

奖励内容Award Content

博士毕业生获奖者颁发证书/Doctoral program graduates will be issued certificates.


Master’s program graduates will get a certificate and a scholarship coupon worth of 50,000RMB which covers 30,000 RMB tuition fee and 20,000 RMB accommodation fee (only available for Yihua Dormitory 1) for the 1st academic year during self-funded PhD study at DMU.


Excellent New Undergraduate Student Award

评选对象Eligible Applicants


All undergraduate international students of grade 2023

评审内容Review Content

2023-20241)成绩及日常表现等/Transcript of 2023-2024(1), and daily performance etc.

奖励内容Award Content

中国政府奖学金生颁发证书/Chinese government scholarship students will be issued certificates.

自费生颁发证书及奖学金券,具体内容如下/Self-funded students will be issued certificates and scholarship coupons with details as follows:


1st Prize: A scholarship coupon worth of 2,000 RMB which covers part of tuition fee of 2024-2025 academic year.


2nd Prize: A scholarship coupon worth of 1,000 RMB which covers part of tuition fee of 2024-2025 academic year.


Excellent New Master’s Program Student Award

评选对象Eligible Applicants


All Master’s program international students of grade 2023

评审内容Review Content

2023-20241)成绩及日常表现等/Transcript of 2023-2024(1), daily performance etc.

奖励内容Award Content

中国政府奖学金生颁发证书/Chinese government scholarship students will be issued certificates.

自费生颁发证书及奖学金券,具体内容如下/Self-funded students will be issued certificates and scholarship coupons with details as follows:


1st Prize: A scholarship coupon worth of 2,000 RMB which covers part of tuition fee of 2024-2025 academic year.


2nd Prize: A scholarship coupon worth of 1,000 RMB which covers part of tuition fee of 2024-2025 academic year.


Good Progress Award

评选对象Eligible Applicants


All undergraduate program international students of grade 2022 and 2021.

评审内容Review Content

2023年秋季、春季学期成绩/Transcript of Autumn and Spring semester of year 2023

奖励内容Award Content


Chinese government scholarship students will be issued certificates. Self-funded students will be issued certificates and scholarship coupon worth of 1,000 RMB which covers part of tuition fee of 2024-2025 academic year.


Excellent Chinese Language Program Student Award

评选对象Eligible Applicants:


All Chinese language training program international students

评审内容Review Content

2024年春季学期期中成绩及日常表现等/Midterm exam result and daily performance of Spring Semester 2024.

奖励内容Award Content

中国政府奖学金生颁发证书/Chinese government scholarship students will be issued certificates.

自费生颁发证书及奖学金券,具体内容如下/Self-funded students will be issued certificates and scholarship coupons with details as follows:


1st Prize: A scholarship coupon which covers 2,000 RMB for part of next semester/academic year’s tuition fee or 10,000 RMB for accommodation fee (only available for Yihua Dormitory 1) during 1st academic year of self-funded preparatory program or degree program study at DMU. The winners decide which content to choose.


2nd Prize: A scholarship coupon which covers 1,000 RMB for part of next semester/academic year’s tuition fee or 5,000 RMB for accommodation fee (only available for Yihua Dormitory 1) during 1st academic year of self-funded preparatory program or degree program study at DMU. The winners decide which content to choose.


Chinese Language Program Student Full Attendance Award

评选对象Eligible Applicants


All Chinese language training program international students

评审内容Review Content

2024年春季学期出勤情况/Class attendance of Spring semester, 2024

奖励内容Award Content


Chinese government scholarship students will be issued certificates. Self-funded students will be issued certificates and a scholarship coupon worth of 1,000 RMB per person which covers part of next semester/year’s tuition fee or accommodation fee.

二、奖学金评选基本条件/Basic Requirements for application


Comply with Chinese laws and regulations as well as various school rules and regulations.


Respect teachers, unite classmates, and maintain good character.                  


Respect customs and habits of people from different countries, and maintain friendship among peoples.                          


Good academic performance and attendance.


In the reference period, those who have participated in school level or higher-level activities or competitions and have shown outstanding performance would be given priorities.

三、有下列情况之一者不能参加本奖学金的评定/Those who with one of following situations can not apply for the wards


Degree program students that can not graduate within required study duration.


   Those who didn’t finish required payment.

(三)因违反外国人出入境管理有关规定而受到行政处罚者 因违反校纪校规受到通报批评以上(含通报批评)处分者

Those who violated related rules or regulations of school or China.


Those who failed in more than 1 course (including 1) in mid-term and final examinations during reference period .


Those who are during study suspension period.

申请所需材料/Application Materials


Application Form for Dalian Maritime University Excellent International Student Scholarship Award (Attached)


Scanned copy of related documents, certificates or supporting materials

评选程序/Application Procedures



Applicants please fill in the attached application form with signature, send the scanned copy of the application form as well as proof documents to: 1749036529@qq.com.

The deadline of application is 16:00 May 14th.


The scholarship review committee will evaluate application materials and determine the result.


The scholarship review committee shall determine the final list of winners and make it public;  After the public announcement has no objections, the awards will ultimately be awarded.

其他注意事项/Other Remarks:


The above awards acquisition cannot be overlapped. The reduction of accommodation fees can only be applied to Yihua Dormitory 1.


    The “DMU Excellent International Student Scholarship Awards are usually issued twice each year in spring and autumn semester respectively.


The final interpretation right of this activity lies in International Students’ Education Center of DMU.


Annex: Application Form for DMU Excellent International Student Scholarship Awards

