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This section covers the academic calendar of the university, academic issues including course categories, class enrollment, grades, credits, graduation requirements etc. for current students of different programs, so that students of different programs will be able to have a brief view on the study life of the university. We hope all current students would take the most advantage of university resources, make each moment count and enjoy studying at DMU.
Degree Students

☆ Semester arrangement

The academic year of Dalian Maritime University is divided into two semesters: spring and autumn.

Generally, each semester lasts about 20 weeks, with the last two weeks being the time for review exams. The end of August or early September each year marks the beginning of a new academic year and also the beginning of the autumn semester; The spring semester usually starts from the end of February or early March.

Summer vacation starts in mid July every year, lasting about five weeks. The winter vacation starts in mid January every year, usually about 7 weeks. For more detailed and specific semester arrangements, you can refer to the school calendar.

☆ Years of study

The basic study period for undergraduate students is 4 years; The basic study period for master's students in school is 2-3 years; The basic length of study for doctoral students is 4 years.

International students can apply for an extension of their study period. Undergraduate students can extend their study time on campus to 6 years (including suspension period). Master's and doctoral students cannot spend more than twice the basic study period on campus(including suspension period).

☆ Course arrangement and credit requirements

International students should quickly understand the requirements of the program they are studying for credits, courses, and training programs after enrollment. In principle, international students learning majors in Chinese are required to attend classes together with Chinese students, and graduation requirements are basically the same as Chinese students. Some public basic courses are taught separately by international students. Every 16 class hours of classroom teaching corresponds to 1 credit.

Overall, the course types of Dalian Maritime University can be divided into compulsory courses and elective courses:

Compulsory courses are courses that must be studied according to the teaching plan, including public basic courses, professional basic courses, and professional and directional courses;

Elective courses are courses that are freely chosen for learning according to the teaching plan requirements and personal interests. Undergraduate elective courses are also divided into limited elective courses (including public basic courses, professional and directional courses) and elective courses.

For the types and requirements of courses, the specific requirements for each major and category are not exactly the same. The training plan for graduate international students is formulated by their supervisor and they must carefully participate in all teaching activities specified in the training plan; Undergraduate international students should carefully read the international student training plan of their major and select courses according to the requirements, in order to design a reasonable and efficient course selection plan for themselves.

Graduation requirements for undergraduate students: Within the prescribed period of time by the university, complete all courses specified in the undergraduate international student professional training program, obtain the credits specified in the undergraduate international student professional training program, and be eligible for graduation.

Graduation requirements for graduate students: International graduate students who have completed the required credits, completed the required courses, passed the thesis defense, and met the requirements for publication within the prescribed study period according to the training plan are eligible for graduation.

☆ Registration and course selection

● Registration

Students on campus should register on the designated date every semester. Registration must be completed by the individual carrying their student ID and cannot be entrusted to others. Before registration, the tuition fee must be paid in full. Those without a record of payment will not be registered. Registration is usually completed within the first week after the start of school.

New students please conduct registration from the Admissions Office of the International Students Education Center, while old students please conduct registration from the Statistics and Archives Department of the International Students Education Center.

If you are unable to register on time for any reason, you must take leave in advance. Those who do not take leave or fail to register on time without approval will be considered absent from class. Those who fail to register on time for more than two weeks without reason will be automatically expelled, and the school will cancel their enrollment according to regulations.

● Course selection

Undergraduate students must determine the courses they should choose based on the training plan.

Undergraduate students generally choose courses during the last two weeks of the previous semester and the first week of each semester. During the course selection period, students can log in to the school's academic affairs system to select courses. Starting from the second week, the school will close the course selection system. At this time, the courses you have selected cannot be changed and must be taught at the time and place specified in the curriculum schedule. For the selected course, if you give up or fail to take the exam midway, your grade will be recorded as zero or missed.

After enrollment, graduate students should promptly contact their supervisors and select courses under their guidance.

☆ Attendance and Leave

The school requires attendance for classroom lectures, exams, examinations, and other teaching activities stipulated in the teaching plan. Students who are unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances should take leave in advance.

Those who do not take leave or fail to attend without approval will be considered absent from class. The school will take corresponding measures to deal with students who are absent from class according to regulations.

If the cumulative absenteeism exceeds one-third of the total course hours, the qualification to take the exam for the course will be lost, and the course score will be zero.

☆ Exams and grades

● Exams

International students are required to take exams or examinations for their courses. If they are unable to participate in the course assessment due to illness or other special circumstances, they must submit a written application for postponement (fill out the postponement application form) to the teaching teacher and the International Students Education Center before the exam, and submit relevant proof. After being reviewed by the college (department) where the student's major is located and approved by the Academic Affairs Office of DMU, the teacher will record the score as "deferred examination". The courses that have been approved for deferred examination will be conducted together with the supplementary examination at the beginning of the next semester. The grades will be recorded based on a 10 point reduction in the actual supplementary examination scores, and the type of grades will be recorded as the "final examination". If the score of the make-up exam is reduced by 10 points, it will be considered a failure and no make-up exam will be arranged. Those who do not take the exam without taking leave or without approval will receive a score of zero.

● Score evaluation

Exam courses are scored on a percentage basis, and those who score 60 or above are considered passing and will receive credits for the course. The examination course is scored on a percentage or five point scale [Excellent (A) (90 points and above), Good (B) (80-89 points), Moderate (C) (70-79 points), Passing (D) (60-69 points), and Failing (E) (59 points and below)]. Those who score 60 points or pass or above will receive credits for the course. Individual stages can be evaluated using a two-level scoring system for passing or not passing, and those who pass will receive credits for that stage.

Student attendance, classroom performance, homework, regular quizzes, and midterm exams are all related to final grades, and final exams are only a part of the exam results.

The specific calculation method for course GPA is as follows:

Course credits GPA=Course credits x GPA

Average GPA= Σ Course credits GPA

Σ course credit

The examination situation and grades have the following impacts on your academic status and degree:

Undergraduate students who, on average, receive less than 30 credits in the courses specified in the professional training plan within one academic year from enrollment will be given a warning of dropping out; Students who receive a second warning of dropping out will be required to drop out;

Doctoral students who fail a degree course exam after retaking their studies will be required to drop out; Master's students who fail to pass two degree courses after retaking their studies will be required to drop out;

Exam discipline

Any fraudulent behavior such as cheating or plagiarism during the exam will result in a total score of zero for the course, and a penalty of demerit or above will be imposed. Those with serious circumstances will be expelled from the school; International students who engage in plagiarism, plagiarism, misappropriation of academic achievements, or similar activities in their academic papers will be given a warning or even expelled from school.

☆ Graduation, Completion, and Degree

Undergraduate and graduate students who complete all the courses specified in the teaching plan, complete the required credits, pass the thesis defense, are allowed to graduate, and are issued graduation certificates. Those who meet the relevant degree granting requirements are awarded corresponding degrees.

Undergraduate students who have completed the required credits in the professional training plan within the prescribed number of years of study, but still owe 18 credits or less, may be treated as completing their undergraduate studies and issued a certificate of completion for undergraduate international students.

International graduate students who have completed the required credits and completed the required courses according to the training plan within the prescribed study period, but have not passed the supervisor's review, peer expert review, or thesis defense, are allowed to graduate and receive a certificate of completion.

Undergraduate and graduate students who drop out midway, have completed more than one year of study, and have completed the required procedures for leaving school will be issued a certificate of study.

☆ Student ID

After registration, international students with academic qualifications will be issued a student ID card from Dalian Maritime University.

The student ID of international students with academic qualifications is issued by the Academic Affairs Department of the International Students Education Center. If lost, it should be reissued at the Academic Affairs Department.

The student ID is an important identification document for international students, which should be carried with them and cannot be lent. If lost, it must be promptly reissued.


The E-card for international students is processed by the school's network center. There is no need to pay for the first application of the E-Card, and the cost of reissuing lost cards is 20 RMB.

☆ Proof of enrollment

Dalian Maritime University International Students Education Center can provide proof of enrollment in Chinese or English.

☆ Transcript

If international students need a formal transcript in both Chinese and English, they can apply for it at the Academic Affairs Department of the International Students Education Center.

☆ Departure procedures

After completing their studies, international students are requested to collect the "Notice of Departure" from the Student Academic Affairs Department of the International Students Education Center within the specified time and complete the following procedures:

(1) Go to the college where the major is located to complete the departure procedures;

(2) Handle the cancellation procedures for student ID and one card;

(3) Go to the school library to complete the departure procedures;

(4) Handle relevant financial settlement procedures;

(5) If living in student dormitories on campus, the check-out procedures must be handled in accordance with regulations;

(6) To receive transcripts and academic certificates:

(7) International students must leave the school within two weeks from the date of graduation and completion;

(8) International students who leave without completing the necessary procedures will not be provided with academic transcripts and certificates by the school.