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Visa Service
IEC holds collective visa application at the beginning and the end of each semester; Students who need this kind of service should submit visa application materials and visa fee within stipulated time period. Students who miss collective visa application should first come to Student Affairs Office for school letter 30 days earlier than visa expiry date, then go to Dalian PSB for visa application. Self-funded and partial scholarship students should complete all payments so as to apply for a visa. 
Loss of Passport
As soon as you become aware that you have lost your passport you will need to quickly follow the procedures below:
• Go to the local police station to report the loss and receive a report of the loss;
• After receiving the report you should then go to Dalian Public Security Bureau to obtain the loss of passport
• Take this loss of passport certificate to your embassy to apply for a new passport.
• Collect the new passport and within 10 days first go to the International Student Office to apply and then go to Dalian Municipal Public Security Bureau Exit-Entry Administration Office to apply for a new visa or residence permit and then after receiving this go to the local police station to renew your accommodation registration.