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DMU international student achieved excellent result in the 2024 "Foreign Cultural Trade" Talents Selection Competition for the International Youth
May 31, 2024

On May 28th, the award ceremony for the 2024 "Foreign Cultural Trade" Talents Selection Competition for the International Youth, hosted by the Cultural Communication Center of the China Foreign Languages Bureau and the Chinese Language Teaching Press, was grandly held in Beijing. Liu Dawei, Deputy Director of the State Administration of Foreign Languages and Culture of China, attended the event. Guests from relevant units such as the China Scholarship Council and the United Nations Institute for Sustainable Development also attended the event. Over a hundred guests, including representatives of overseas students, universities, mentors, and enterprises, attended the event.

This competition was officially launched in January this year, aiming to promote cultural exchange and mutual learning among countries. The event has received comprehensive support from numerous domestic universities, attracting widespread attention and enthusiastic participation from international students studying in China. More than 400 international students from more than 60 countries and regions have signed up to participate, showcasing the experiences and gains of young people from various countries studying and exchanging in China through videos. After strict evaluation, a total of 32 outstanding university awards, 27 guidance teacher awards, 29 cultural mutual learning and friendship awards, 20 cultural dissemination vitality awards, 15 cultural promotion contribution awards, and 3 cultural promotion excellence awards were selected from the competition. Togolese doctoral student YOUA NAROU from Dalian Maritime University won the "Cultural Mutual Learning and Friendship Award" for her video work "Possibility", and DMU won the "Outstanding University Award". YOUA NAROU was also invited to participate in the award ceremony and sung together with other international students.



International students studying in China are witnesses and disseminators of Chinese stories and experiences, as well as friendly ambassadors for promoting cultural exchange and mutual learning between China and foreign countries. The International Students’s Education Center of DMU will continue to serve as a bridge and carrier for cultural communication, providing more platforms for international students to perceive Chinese culture, enter Chinese society, tell Chinese stories, and promote multicultural exchanges, presenting a more vivid impression of China to the world, and playing a positive role in building a community with a shared future for mankind.

上一条:Dalian Maritime University Excellent International Student Scholarship Award Winners, Spring Semester of Year 2024 ​ 下一条:Prof. George Gabedava, Deputy Rector of Batumi Navigation Teaching University, Georgia, visited the International Students’ Education Center


