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“Face to Face with Colleges” Series Lecture II was Successfully Held
April 26, 2024

In order to help international students better understand the schedule and related requirements of thesis work in various majors and colleges, and enhance communication and interaction between international students and college supervisors, the International Students Education Center (ISEC) has launched the Face to Face with Colleges" Series Lecture activity this semester, inviting supervisor representatives of different colleges to introduce the specific situation and precautions of the college thesis work to international students.

On the afternoon of April 25th, the second session of the Face to Face with Colleges" Series Lecture was successfully held in Classroom 309 of the International Students Education Center. This time we invited Associate Professor Pan Xiaolin from the School of Law to introduce the specific situation of postgraduate thesis work of the Law School to international students. Nearly 20 graduate students from majors such as Law, Logistics Engineering and Management, and Computer Science and Technology signed up to participate in the lecture.

Ms. Pan gave a detailed introduction to the time arrangement, specific process, relevant requirements, and precautions for each stage of the graduate thesis in the Law School from proposal to defense. Combining her rich academic research and international students education experience, she taught students many effective methods to improve their thesis abilities. Students cherished the opportunity to listen attentively, speak actively, and interact fully with the teacher, accumulating valuable knowledge and methods for their research papers.

We hope through the guidance of supervisor representatives from different colleges, international students have gained a deeper understanding of the workflow and requirements of academic papers in various majors and departments, a clearer plan on how to better complete their own research work and a clearer direction on their academic journey of study at DMU. We believe that with the joint support and efforts of various professional departments and teachers, the academic atmosphere and education quality of the "Study at DMU" brand will continue to improve.

上一条:The International Students’ Education Center successfully launched offline psychological testing for international students in the spring semester of 2024 下一条:Notice on Application for “Dalian Maritime University Excellent International Student Scholarship Awards”, Spring Semester of Year 2024


