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International students from Dalian Maritime University participated in cultural exchange activities at the Dalian Free Trade Zone Immigration Service Center
May 21, 2024

On the morning of May 20th, the "Appreciating the Beauty of Calligraphy and Appreciating the Rhyme of Chinese Writing" cultural exchange event, hosted by the Immigration Service Center of Dalian Free Trade Zone, was held at the Administrative Service Center on the third floor of the Free Trade Building. Six representatives of DMU international students were invited to participate in the event, together with Chinese and foreign teachers and students from other universities in Dalian, to appreciate the beauty of traditional Chinese calligraphy and taste the charm of Chinese language.

The meticulously arranged administrative service center features neatly arranged pens, ink, paper, and inkstones, with a fragrant and refreshing atmosphere. Under the guidance of experts and teachers from the Calligraphers Association of the Jinpu New Area Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the students carefully observed and meticulously copied the characters. They wrote various and unique "fu" characters, expressing their longing for a better life and their blessings to each other. Under the guidance of the calligraphy teacher, the Vietnamese master's student Nguyen Shi Xiangyan wrote calligraphy works “Shang Shan Ruo Shui”. With her rich accumulation of daily Chinese language and calligraphy learning in school, her works have received praise and recognition from professional teachers.

The Dalian Free Trade Zone Immigration Service Center has been committed to implementing the national high-level opening-up and talent strengthening strategy, and has launched a series of measures to attract high-end foreign talents to work and start businesses in Dalian Jinpu New Area and the Free Trade Zone. It provides service guarantees for foreign personnel to study, start businesses, settle down, and travel in Dalian, and provides convenient support for promoting RCEP signed country goods trade, service trade, investment, and personnel flow. With the support and guidance of the service center, DMU International Students’ Education Center organized international students to participate in multiple social practice and cultural exchange activities, enabling students to have a deeper understanding of Dalian's policies on study and employment, as well as a more intuitive experience of Dalian's cultural customs and social development. In the future, the International Students’ Education Center will continue to strengthen cooperation with relevant departments such as the Service Centers, to build a broader platform for international students to perceive China, and continuously inject new vitality into promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

上一条:Prof. George Gabedava, Deputy Rector of Batumi Navigation Teaching University, Georgia, visited the International Students’ Education Center 下一条:The International Students’ Education Center successfully launched offline psychological testing for international students in the spring semester of 2024


