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2023 World Transport Convention is Calling for Papers from International Students
February 23, 2023

Dear international students:



Jointly hosted by Chinese Science and Technology Association, Ministry of Transport, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Hubei Provincial Government, organized by China Highway and Transportation Society, Hubei Provincial Association of Science and Technology, and supported by transport industry organizations both in China and abroad. The 2023 Word Transport Convention (WTC 2023) will be held in June 2023 in Wuhan. To broaden horizons of international students, and enhance international communication among universities, the International Student Affairs Committee of WTC is now calling for academic papers from international students of universities nationwide. And the detailed information is as following:  


一、Paper Topics:


Full academic papers or paper extended abstracts with topics including: Road Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Tunnel Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Transportation Planning, Water Transportation, Rail Transportation, Air Transportation. Interdisciplinary and other fields, involving academic research, technological innovation, experience summary, engineering practice, industry innovation etc. Paper language can be in Chinese or English.


二、Instructions for submission:

1. Papers published or unpublished are all welcome. And those passed evaluation can attend the conference and deliver reports.

2.For unpublished papers, the full content or an extended abstract can be submitted, and author should be responsible for the authenticity and originality of the submitted content. The content should not duplicate with those published or under review. Papers submitted in full text should be limited to 7 pages, and the number of words should not exceed 5000.

3. For published papers, an extended abstract can be submitted, and the number of words should be controlled around 1000.

4. The submitted materials should not contain classified contents.

5. At least one author should be able to do presentation during the conference.


三、Paper acceptance and publication

1.The WTC conference will issue digital document of  2023 WTC Paper Abstract Collection.

2.Authors submitting full papers or extended abstracts can choose one from the following 2 models: Being collected into the Abstract Collection and doing representation, or Only doing representation. And authors submitting papers that have already been published can choose to submit as extended abstract and Only doing representation.

3.The conference will evaluate and select excellent works from full papers enrolled.


四、Participation method

Those interested  please send your papers or abstracts before 8:00 am March 27th Beijing time to

Teachers of ISEC will help the authors to conduct the following paper submission to the conference, and conference attendance etc.


AttachmentFormat of Paper or Abstract for WTC






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上一条:新学期、向未来——留学生教育中心举办“开学第一课”系列活动 下一条:The New Semester is About to Start, and Please Get Ready to Sail


